Drumbeats and Dicerolls

Music. Manufactured by chance. The roll of the dice chooses the instruments, the name, the notes. Can anti lag beat the rolls, or will Dice Christ deem a dark path for this week’s musical creation?

All livestreamed, of course, on twitch.tv.

Some of the time, it works every time.

Roll a D6 to figure out how many words in the song name. Roll a D20 to pick the letters. A D100 sets the BPM, and three D4s choose how many drums, bass, and leads we get to play with.

Vocals are free, and if we’re feeling really naughty… we let a D8 pick the notes.

  • It’s all real. You can watch the rolls live on the patented Dice Cam (TM). Watch the livestream as the songs are wrought from their base components.

  • Gambling is fun. Rolling dice is fun. I love the click of a well-spun dice.

  • They’re up on Soundcloud, and on YouTube too. The good ones? They could get a full release…

  • Livestreams are every Tuesday at 8PM AEST, on Twitch.tv/drumbeatsanddicerolls.

    Episodes are later posted to our YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure.

  • The genre is guided by the instruments the dice choose. Sometimes grime. Sometimes dirty techno. Sometimes… it’s something we’ve never heard before. Finding out is half the fun.

