Drumbeats and Dicerolls
Music. Manufactured by chance. The roll of the dice chooses the instruments, the name, the notes. Can anti lag beat the rolls, or will Dice Christ deem a dark path for this week’s musical creation?
All livestreamed, of course, on twitch.tv.
Some of the time, it works every time.
Roll a D6 to figure out how many words in the song name. Roll a D20 to pick the letters. A D100 sets the BPM, and three D4s choose how many drums, bass, and leads we get to play with.
Vocals are free, and if we’re feeling really naughty… we let a D8 pick the notes.
It’s all real. You can watch the rolls live on the patented Dice Cam (TM). Watch the livestream as the songs are wrought from their base components.
Gambling is fun. Rolling dice is fun. I love the click of a well-spun dice.
They’re up on Soundcloud, and on YouTube too. The good ones? They could get a full release…
Livestreams are every Tuesday at 8PM AEST, on Twitch.tv/drumbeatsanddicerolls.
Episodes are later posted to our YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure.
The genre is guided by the instruments the dice choose. Sometimes grime. Sometimes dirty techno. Sometimes… it’s something we’ve never heard before. Finding out is half the fun.